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What is coaching

Coaching is a deep learning partnership between coach and the client. The coach helps the clients to achieve their potential and to get the results they want in their lives. Coaching empowers the client to do their best, learn and develop in the way they wish. Coach does not have to be an expert in the field; but using powerful questions can help the client discover and remove the barriers of progress.

Coach will help you:

Raise your self-awareness, discover what really matters to you
See where you want to go and how to get there
Remove your obstacles and make things happen

ICF coaching

International Coaching Federation is a certification body that sets the highest quality and ethical standards for coaching. For more information on ICF guidelines, rules and certification please visit coachfederation.org

Since my coaching credentials and certification comes from ICF, all of these guidelines are followed throughout the coaching relationship.

How it works

The coaching relationship that results in progress in the client’s behaviour and reaching the goals, happens in several stages: setting the foundation and establishing coaching agreement, co-creating relationship, communicating effectively and facilitating learning and results. Solving the issue may take several sessions, but each session should bring new progress and milestones to reach.

Individual Coaching

Individual coaching offers clients the opportunity to work with a coach in a private environment where open communication, trust and honesty are the key to successful coaching relationship. Biggest advantages are, that it is fully customised, flexible, time efficient and confidential.

Group Coaching

Group Coaching is for individuals from the organization who want to collaborate with each other, share best practices and lessons learned and create greater impact through shared knowledge. Nor only helps improve communication and cooperation but helps achieve organizational goals in a team effort. Coaching sessions are conducted in the group, but also can have individual sessions to help the group dynamics.

To find out more, to have a chat to see if we can work together, or to book your first session get in touch now

Although I am happy to support my clients with any issue I can as a coach, my specialty and experience is in 3 key areas:

Sales Coaching
Leadership coaching
Cross-cultural coaching

In leadership coaching we are helping to solve all the issues connected with managing people and having responsibility. By supporting the clients and helping them understand themselves, identifying reasons for inner barriers; as doubt, procrastination, lack of communication; and removing them, we empower the clients to lead at their Best.

Resolving issues connected with recent promotion to a new leadership role to issues that are stopping a seasoned leader from further growth.


IF you need a coach to help you with

Adopting new business skills
Making difficult decisions
Strategic thinking
Solving Communication and people management issues
Achieving goals and satisfaction

In sales coaching we are helping to solve all the issues connected with selling, growing sales, creating sales strategies and being responsible for the revenue. By supporting the clients and helping them understand themselves, identifying reasons for inner barriers; as doubt, procrastination, lack of communication; and removing them, we empower the clients to sell at their Best.

From issues of a junior sales executive struggling to show the full potential in numbers to global sales strategy issues of a chief sales officers.


IF you need a coach to help you with

Creating an always be selling mindset
Improving sales results through motivation
Improving communication and confidence
Building a high trust selling culture
Creating a sales strategy

In cross cultural coaching we are looking at issues connected with working in multi-cultural environment, travelling around the world and dealing with people from various cultural background. We help the clients to understand their values and assumptions; to understand that cultural differences can cause people to view things differently, remove assumptions and increase their circle of tolerance.

From issues connected with working in an international company or remote teams to issues connected with relocation or important meetings in different parts of the world.


IF you need a coach to help you with

Increasing cooperation in multi-cultural teams
Avoiding division of teams into small clicks that compete rather than cooperate based on cultural background
Increasing effectivity of communication internally and with clients
Understanding different motivation strategies
Overall increase of effectivity and ROI in global environment

boost your potential

We are active in Europe, Middle East
and South East Asia

Contact Us

Panónska cesta 34, Bratislava 851 04
Slovakia, Europe
Europe: +421 915 913 827

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